Glinton Horticultural Society
The Name of the Society
The Society is known as the Glinton Horticultural Society.
Objectives of the Society
The objectives of the Society are to:
Encourage the growing and cultivation of flowers, fruit and vegetables
Promote domestic skills, arts and crafts and photography
To achieve these objectives, the Society have a planned programme of talks and meetings, visits and social events, a yearly Plant Sale and an annual Open Show.

Membership of the Society shall be open to anyone interested in gardening
Honorary Life Members
A member of the Society can be granted free Honorary Life Membership at the discretion of the Committee for their contribution to the Society.
The annual fee is decided at the Annual General Meeting and all members receive this information via the Open Show Schedule. Annual subscriptions are due in October and are payable to the Membership Secretary. A person or family can become members at any time and will receive free membership up until October of the year they join.
Expulsion Clause

Any member can be expelled from the Society for misconduct at the discretion of the Committee.
Officers of the Society
The Officers of the Society shall be a President, Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, General Secretary, Show Secretary, Social Secretary, Membership Secretary and Publicity Officer. There is also an Assistant General Secretary and an Assistant Treasurer. Other Officers as deemed necessary by the Committee may be added at their discretion.
Election of Officers
The Officers are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society and hold office until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.
Conduct of the Society's affairs
The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the President, Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, General Secretary, Show Secretary, Social Secretary, Membership Secretary and Publicity Officer, Assistant General Secretary, Assistant Treasurer and other members as elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
Committee Meetings of the Society
The ordinary meetings of the Society are held in accordance with a programme for the year which is drawn up by the Committee. It is issued to all members of the Society through its Schedule for the Open Show, the website and news mail.
Financial Year
The Society's financial year shall end on 31stOctober
Annual General meeting
An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held during the month of November in every year for the purpose of:
Approving the Committee’s annual reports on the work of the Society during the preceding year.
Approving financial statements signed by an Auditor.
Electing Officers for the forthcoming year.
Considering any motion that has been placed on the agenda in advance of the meeting.
Any other matters for consideration by the Committee.
Minutes of the previous year’s AGM are displayed on the Village Hall noticeboard a week before the date of the AGM.
Extraordinary Meetings
The Committee has the power to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society at any other time. Notice in writing/email/news mail must be sent to all members not less than 14 days before such a meeting informing them of the date, venue and purpose of the meeting. No business other than detailed in the notice shall be transacted at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
The Society's Funds
All subscriptions and other monies shall be passed to the Treasurer who shall be responsible for all of the Society's funds, for keeping accounting records thereof and presenting the accounts for audit at the end of the financial year. All sums received by the Treasurer on the Society’s behalf shall be paid into the Society's bank account and all cheques drawn on that account shall be signed by any two nominated Officers, one of whom shall be the Treasurer. The funds of the Society shall be used solely to further the objectives of the Society and only in the ways sanctioned by the Committee.
The Society shall be affiliated to the following societies and organisations:
The Royal Horticultural Society 

The National Dahlia Society 

The National Chrysanthemum Society

Affiliation to any other societies and organisations shall be at the discretion of the Committee. 

Death or Resignation of Committee Members 

If any Committee member shall die or resign before the expiration of their term of office, the Committee may fill the vacancy if they see fit but the person so appointed shall retire at the time when their predecessor would have retired i.e. at the next Annual General Meeting. 

Alteration of Constitution
This Constitution may only be amended at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting at the consent of all attending members. 

Dissolution of the Society 

A decision to dissolve the Society shall only be taken at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. There must be a majority vote in favour of the proposal to dissolve the Society by those attending the meeting. In the event that the decision to dissolve the Society is agreed, the meeting shall then appoint a Committee of not less than three individuals. After making provisions for all outstanding liabilities of the Society, the Committee may transfer the remaining property and funds to such other charity which in their view has similar purposes and objectives as those of the Society as they see fit. 

Other Matters 

Any other matters for which provision is not made in the Constitution shall be dealt with by the Committee at its discretion and shall be reported to the next Annual General Meeting for endorsement of further direction. 

This Constitution supersedes any previous constitution drawn up by the Society.
April 2018