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Sue Bean

It is with sadness that the Society reports the passing of Sue Bean in February this year. Sue was a member of the Society for 27 years and was always a very enthusiastic exhibitor entering many different classes, including Vegetables, Fruit, Preserves, Baking and Flower arranging. Her multiple entry forms were dreaded by the committee members on Show Entry Evening, because Sue's hand writing was so very difficult to read!

Her favourite entries were in flower arranging which she’d plan from the moment she received her Show Schedule for the year. It was a very sad day when arthritis prevented her from handling her flowers anymore. She was a very keen saleswomen at both the Plant Sale and Produce Stall at the annual Show, and she will be very much missed not only by us, but also by most of the local garden centres.

Her nephew Tom used to work for Garden News, and it was thanks to Sue and Tom that the Society were heavily featured in that publication several years ago. Many members will have seen Sue’s garden when we held committee meetings there and all will agree that her garden was always beautiful no matter what the season.

Sue will be remembered with great fondness and our thoughts are with her family.

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